

2014年8月29日 星期五

關品方﹕柳暗花明 存乎一心 ——略論香港的未來 (刊登於明報, 29/8/2014)











柳暗花明,存乎一心。我想,香港人要平心靜氣。回顧過去,展望未來,我們毋須強調殖民主義如何完美(或醜惡),也不用對資本主義過分熱中(或批判),更無謂對共產主義咬牙切齒 (或推崇備至)。我們要警惕的,是口號式空頭政治的兩極化非黑即白的危害。香港的自由來之不易,但同時要充分醒覺到,外部環境和國際勢力也會利用香港這種特殊的自由。香港的世界性和地緣政治的敏感複雜性,就在這裏。這是我對愛國愛港的開明而實際的理解。





2014年8月22日 星期五

「十三學者」於中央官員在深圳舉辦的政制發展座談會中提交的意見 (22-8-2014)










「提委會民主漸進方案」 http://www.2017cenom.blogspot.hk/
聯絡: 2017cenom@gmail.com

2014年8月4日 星期一


「十三學者」日前推出改良政改方案,重申開放提委會讓公眾直接參與,並令其民主化,是香港政改當前的重點。提委會的民主化,不但合憲合法, 更可以回應港人要求參與行政長官提名過程的訴求。
提委會民主化,也是在香港政治紛爭不斷兩極化的情況下的妥協方案,可以創造機會, 爭取立法會與中央的支持,讓政改通過「五步曲」,落實2017年行政長官普選。
最新的 「十三學者方案」建議把原選舉委員會的1,200人擴大成為2,400人的提名委員會,而新增的1,200人全部由香港的登記選民直接選出。這1,200個新增普選提委需要先獲得目前選舉委員會四大界別中的界別選民所認受,然後再取得1,200名全港合資格選民的選票方可當選。在第一、第二及第三界別中,參選者需獲得 50名該界別的界別選民所認受。在第四界別則需獲得該界別5名界別選民所認受。
目前選委會內第四界別的界別選民人數較少,只包括現任立法會議員、全國人大代表及政協委員、以及鄉議局和區議員。「十三學者」建議在這個界別內增加新的界別選民,加入特區成立以來的前政府司局長、副局長、首長級公務員、前行政及立法會議員、前全國人大代表及政協委員、 受勳人士,以及非官守太平紳士 。



「十三學者」成員包括王于漸教授,宋恩榮教授,何濼生教授,范耀鈞教授, 黃賢先生,郭國全先生,陸人龍博士,雷鼎鳴教授,楊汝萬教授,廖柏偉教授, 劉佩瓊女士,關品方博士及羅祥國博士。

Press Release: Democratizing the Nominating Committee is key in Hong Kong’s Electoral Reform, says the G-13 Scholars

Opening up the Nominating Committee (NC) for the Chief Executive (CE) election in 2017 to public participation and making it more democratic is a key reform that Hong Kong should focus on, says a Group of 13 (G-13) scholars. Efforts in this direction will not only meet the constitutional and legal requirements on Hong Kong’s political reform, but also address the strong demand for public participation in the nomination of CE candidates.
Democratizing the NC is also a way to strike a compromise amongst different and polarizing political demands, and help to create an opportunity for Hong Kong’s electoral reform to get through the “Five Step Process”, particularly in securing support from both the Legislative Council and from Beijing, thus making universal suffrage in the election of Hong Kong’s CE in 2017 a reality.  

“The selection of the Chief Executive in 2017 through universal suffrage and the continuing development of our political system are critical, otherwise Hong Kong will become increasingly impossible to govern. Failure to make progress will punish everyone – the establishment, the pan-democrats, all political parties, the people, Hong Kong itself, and even the long-term interests of our country”, says Prof Richard Wong, a member of the G-13 Scholars. 

The G-13 Scholars’ latest proposals ask for doubling the size of the existing Election Committee from 1,200 members to form a new NC of 2,400 members, with all the new members elected directly by registered voters in Hong Kong. These 1,200 new members will have to first seek endorsement from the sectoral voters of the existing four sectors, and second to get 1,200 votes from registered voters in Hong Kong. Endorsement by 50 sectoral voters is required for candidates in the First, Second and Third sectors, while endorsement by 5 sectoral voters is required in the Fourth sector.
There are now close to 250,000 sectoral voters in the four sectors of the Election Committee.  The purpose of asking the new, popularly-elected members of the NC to seek endorsement from existing sectoral voters is to make the new NC similar in structure to the old Election Committee. This is one of the requirements for Hong Kong’s electoral reform set down by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), in line with the principle of gradual progress.
In the Fourth Sector of the existing Election Committee, the number of sectoral voters is relatively small as they include only existing Legislative Council members, existing deputies to the NPC and the Chinese People Political Consultative Congress (CPPCC), and Heung Yee Kuk and District Council members. The G-13 proposes that new sectoral voters be added, comprising all retired Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries and directorate civil servants, retired members of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council, retired deputies to the NPC and CPPCC, and people on the honours list since 1997, and Unofficial Justices of Peace.
“It should be noted that we are proposing to add these new members into the list of sectoral voters in the Fourth Sector only, not as NC members. The key idea of this proposal is that these people have contributed to Hong Kong in many ways in the past, and they should be given a role to play in endorsing candidates who want to bid for seats in the Fourth Sector of the NC”, say Ms Lau Pui-king, another G-13 member.
Another important and contentious debate in Hong Kong’s current political reform is how the NC would put forward CE candidates for the public to vote. The G-13 proposes that any contender could be considered for candidacy if he/she could get nominated by 10% of the NC members, and will become a potential candidate if he/she gets 20% of the votes. These percentages are based on the view that there should be 2 to 4 candidates for the CE election, a number arrived at after extensive consultations by the government.
A new concept introduced by G-13 is that all contenders for candidacy who get pass the 20% votes threshold will go into a “list”. The NC will then vote on the “list” so that all candidates on the “list” will become CE candidates if the “list” is passed by majority vote of the NC.
“The idea of a ‘list’ comes from our observation that Art 45 of the Basic Law requires the NC to nominate CE candidates ‘in accordance with democratic procedures’”, explains Prof Sung Yun-wing, another G-13 scholar. “Democratic procedures normally require majority vote. But if the NC is to vote on each and every candidate, then it is likely that contenders who represent minority interests will have very little chance of becoming a CE candidate. The use of a ‘list’ could allow all contenders with 20% NC votes to get majority support from the NC. This is more in line with Hong Kong’s political reality.”
If the “list” is not approved by the NC, then the selection process is repeated. If necessary, new rules could be introduced that would encourage competing political forces to cooperate or increase their costs of refusing to compromise, thus helping to produce a “list” that has a higher chance of being approved. For example, the 20% and 50% thresholds could be raised gradually.
“Any scheme that screens candidates unreasonably will have very little chance to get through the ‘Five Step Process’. Our design of how the NC is constituted and how the NC nominates CE candidates is fully compliant of all legal requirements, and should make it acceptable as a compromise between the political left and the political right. Our proposal should also be looked at as another important step forward in Hong Kong’s continuing democratization process”, added Prof Liu Pak-wai, another G-13 scholar.
Political reform in Hong Kong is now moving into the second step of the “Five Step Process”. The Standing Committee of the NPC (NPCSC) is expected to decide in late-August whether to accept the recommendation by the CE on whether the rules for the appointment of the CE and of the Legislative Council should be amended. It is unclear at this stage whether the NPCSC would set guidelines for such amendments and what these guidelines may be.
“Hong Kong needs more time and space for different political forces to exchange views and reach consensus in the political reform debate. We hope that the NPCSC would allow more flexibility in its upcoming decision so that Hong Kong could better implement the NPCSC decision that Hong Kong could elect its CE through universal suffrage in 2017”, says Prof Richard Wong. 


Notes to Editors:
The G-13 Scholars are Prof FAN Yiu-kwan, Prof HO Lok-sang, Mr HUANG Yin, Hanson, Dr KWAN Pun-fong, Vincent, Mr KWOK Kwok-chuen, Ms LAU Pui-king, Dr LAW Cheung-kwok, Prof LIU Pak-wai, Prof LUI Ting-ming, Francis, Dr LUK Michael, Prof SUNG Yun-wing, Prof WONG Yue-chim, Richard and Prof YEUNG Yue-man.
The G-13 Proposal website: http://2017cenom.blogspot.hk/

G-13 改良方案 (中文)

文檔可於此下載。Downloadable here.

G-13 改良方案投影片 (中文)

文檔可於此下載Downloadable here.

G-13 Updated Proposal (English)

文檔可於此下載。Downloadable here.

G-13 Updated Proposal in Slides (English)

文檔可於此下載。Downloadable here.